
How to secure pass user data into html5-chat with JWT ? (updated)

How to secure pass user data into html5-chat with

We have chosen the solution since that encryption library exists for any platform and development tool.

How to encode our user using JWT.IO lib ?

For better security, we do recommend using this method to encode your user data.

List of Parameters to be encoded

webmasterid*: your webmasterid token

password*: your password. It must be md5 encoded like:  md5(‘myPassword’);

username*: username of the user

gender: Gender of user: must fit the genders defined in chatadmin – : male, female, couple By default is male

role: Role of the user: can be : admin, moderator, dj, user By default is user

image :Image or Avatar of the user : must be a link (https) to url of an image By default is random avatar. Use base64_encode to avoid problems if your image uses chars such as ?&

startRoom: Default roomid when enter the chat By default is the first room (roomid is an integer number)

So you do create your user like in php as an array:

            $passwordMD5 = md5('secretPassword');
            $webmasterid= XXX;
            $user = [

Then you need to create an encrypted TOKEN from that user.
For that, we use library
For PHP, we use for instance: (if you use another langage, pick your library from

Let do it with PHP

Step1: encode the user with JWT::encode

Create the $user array and encode it

    $password = 'secretPassword';
    $passwordMD5 = md5($password);
    $webmasterid= XXX;
   $user = ['webmasterid'=>$webmasterid
$encodedUser = JWT::encode($user, $password); 
As result, $encodedUser will contain base64 long encrypted string (encrypted user)


Step2 : use that encoded script into your script

The pattern is:{webmasterid}/{encryptedUser}
  • Directly to access your chat with link
  • Integrate your chat with a script:
                    <script src="{webmasterid}/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3ZWJtYXN0ZXJpZCI6IjEiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6InlhcmVrYyIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiIsImdlbmRlciI6Im1hbGUiLCJyb2xlIjoidXNlciIsImltYWdlIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2h0bWw1LWNoYXQuY29tXC9pbWdcL2F2YXRhcnNcL21cLzEzLnN2ZyJ9.8mPMCKnDRMrupsHRQw5ArXmyhh4oQBNcumKDCgO5TdQ"></script>            

how to upload images ?

You can now upload images in html5-chat


New features now allows you to UPLOAD your own images.

Max size of image is set to 50 Kbytes to avoid abuses.


As usual, fo to your panel admin and choose the config tab.


Check the Allow users to upload images into the chat checkbox.

Enter your chat: you will now be able to upload your OWN images into the chat !




new Feature: GIF search emoticons

Gif animated searchable emoticons for your  chat

gif search
gif search

New exciting feature: search and add GIFs from GIFY services: Millions of ready to go animated gifs are waiting for you: so make your chat even funnier than before.
Just type in the keyword and you will get millions of ready to use GIFs.
You will be able to add as many emoticons you want into your chat.