
New material design themes

Blue and red material design themes

themesHtml5 has now 2 new themes based on material design

Blue and red (that complete the dark and the default light theme)

You can switch between themes in chatadmin panel.

More themes are coming. If you need to customize CSS, you can inject your own CSS and over write the existing theme in

“Link to external CSS to customize your chat ” in your /chatadmin config.




HTML5 chat goes now TURN for better compatibility

HTML5 now embeds a TURN server

We just added TURN server to out webrtc version.

The goal is to make the traversal of NAT easier for systems behind firewalls and routers (allow port 3478)

The other interesting feature is to make the chat more compatible on IOS and Safari: Safari rules for webrtc are:

“You cannot play webrtc if you don’t publish yourself”

which is very blocking for conferences sessions or just to watch videos without having to allow access to its own webcam.

Thanks to Turn server, we can now bypass that Safari and IOS rule.



How to add link to profile ?

profileYou can easily add a link to your user profile (when you have that feature in your existing website)  in html5chat by adding the profile parameter into the JWT connection.

For that you need to define the url link that leads to your profile and pass that into the profile parameter

ex: ‘profile’=>’’

Step 1: you create an array of your user such as:

$json = json_encode(array('username'=>'myUsername', 'profile'=>'',  'password'=>'myPassword', 'gender'=>'male', 'role'=>'user', 'avatar'=>''));

Step 2 : you encode it using the html5 JWT online service

$encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json));

Step 3 : you inject that encoded string into your JS script

<script src="<?=$encoded?>"></script>

where xxxxx is your webmasterid parameter.

And that’s ALL !




New feature: ROLES

HTML5 chat and roles

We recently added roles features so users can define with precision what features and options will be available to each user.

This features gives more flexibility to user rights. For now he have 5 roles:


This should be used as visitor only with no rights at all. Just to discover the chat


Normal user with limited rights


Same as user: should be able to lunch some youtube videos or do a broadcast to other users


Should have all rights, except permanant ban rights


Have All possible rights

custom1, custom2, custom3

These are custom roles that you can use as you want


Each role has his own chat rights and features

You are of course free to assign right to each role and assign a role to an user:

Role Role
Can kick
Can ban
Is user visible ?
Can Broadcast
Can Stream
Can watch
Can Send Text
Can send private text
Can post youtube
Can open any webcam
Can whisper
Can quick message
Can ask for private chat

html5 and datingsite integration

How to integrate html5-chat and datingscript ?


Here is a snippet to help you to integrate html5 chat and dating script.


Just edit $password and $webmasterid variables


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;

if (!isset($_SESSION['session']['username'])) {
    header('Location:' . $config['base_url'] . 'users/login');
$password = 'YOUPASSWORD HERE';
$webmasterid = 'YOUR SCRIPT ID HERE';
$gender = isset($_SESSION['session']['data_genre']) && is_array($_SESSION['session']['data_genre']) && $_SESSION['session']['data_genre'] ? (key($_SESSION['session']['data_genre']) == 1 ? 'Homme' : 'Femme') : '';
$avatar = isset($_SESSION['session']['picture_file_path'], $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_name'], $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_ext']) && $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_path'] ? $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_path'] . '/' . $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_name'] . '.' . $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_ext'] : '';
if(!$avatar) {
    $avatar = '0.svg';

$mysuer = array('webmasterid' => $webmasterid, 'password' => $password, 'username' => $_SESSION['session']['username'], 'gender' => $gender, 'role' => 'user', 'image' => $config['base_url'] . 'uploads/' . $avatar);
$encoded = JWT::encode($mysuer, $password);
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<title>Html5 chat</title>
	 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div class="main">
    <div style="width:100%; height:100%;">
        <script src="<?= $webmasterid ?>/<?= $encoded ?>"></script>

How to integrate html5 chat into phpfox

How to integrate html5 chat into phpfox ?

step 1: download the phpfox module here

step 2 : open file


and edit these lines 16-17

$webmasterid = xxxx; // ENTER your script id (webmasterid) here
$password = 'my secret password'; // ENTER your HTML5 password here

and fill with your own data

step3: open your website

You will be loggedon with your username, gender, avatar and role


JWT: a quicker and simpler version using the HTML5 service

Here is a quicker and simpler version of integrating  HTML5 chat into an existing website than the JWT version described in that post

The bottom sample is a PHP sample, but you can easily adapt it to JS or ASP in needed. let assume your webmasterid = 1050

Step 1: you create an array of your user such as:

$json = json_encode([
    'webmasterid' =>'1050',
    'username'  =>'myUsername',
    'password'  =>'myChatAccountPassword',
    'gender'    =>'male',
    'role'      =>'user',
    'image'     =>base64_encode(''),
    'profile'   =>'',

Step 2 : you encode it using the html5 JWT online service

$encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json));

Step 3 : you inject that encoded string into your JS script

<script src="<?=$webmasterid?>/<?=$encoded?>"></script>

And that’s ALL:

role : can be admin,  user, guest,  dj, custom1, custom2, custom3

avatar is the http:// image of the expected avatar

profile: the link to the user profile (if available)

startRoom : the id of the room where to start in (roomid is an integer number)

Replace the webmasterid in script by your script id (webmasterid, a positive integer you can find in your chatadmin panel)

If you want to use JWT on your server, please refer to this post.

<?php $json = json_encode(['username'=>'myUsername', 'password'=>'myPassword', 'gender'=>'male', 'role'=>'user', 'profile'=>'', 'image'=>'']);
$encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json), 'startRoom'=>5);
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML5 chat</title>

<div style="width: 1024px;height: 800px;">
    <script src="<?=$encoded?>"></script>


Notice: if file_get_contents is DISABLED on your hosting, you can use the curl

$curl= curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
      CURLOPT_URL => "".base64_encode($json)
$encoded = curl_exec($curl);