How to setup the payperview in embed mode

The embed mode means that all data are stored on html5 chat servers. This mode is easy to be run and do not demand any coding knowledge. It can be setup in 5 minutes. Here is step by step process

In templates, choose the pay per view template
  • Go back to main menu : a new pink button called ” PPV Conference Management ” should appear in your global menu at the bottom.
A new button menu appear !
  • Go to chatadmin->PPV conference->performers and create (or edit) users that will be performers (role must be setup to performer). Make sure performer has photos (you can upload performers’ photos)
Edit/add performers
  • Then, on your website, you must then prepare 2 HTML or PHP pages for the chat:
  • Page where performer will enter the chat
    Ex: performer.php that will contain that script:
    <script src=""></script>
    where xxxx is your webmasterid (you will find it in your chatadmin console)
    When you open that page, you should find performer’s login
  • Page when user will enter the chat:
    Ex: user.php that will contain that script:
    <script src=""></script>
    where xxxx is your webmasterid (you will find it in your chatadmin console

The user script will display the list of all performers and their photos you have added with their status. If a performer is online, she will appear in green and user will be able to click her photo to enter her room.

List of models: green is online, red is offline, yellow is busy.

And that’s all: you are able to enter now as performer and as user.
When user clicks the green available mode, he enters that model room.

User Payment process and credits

You defined prices in your config panel. When user wants to purchase credits, he press the “purchase credits” button and a popup displays your prices. When he wants to purchase some credits, he will be redirected to the paypal account you also defined in your config panel.

You will receive 100% of that amount (we don’t take any commission).

Performers payments

That’s your duty to pay the models. You get performers reports inside your PPV Conference Management that includes private shows and tips a performer has received.
If you need to update credits, just go to users or performers data and you can edit the credits field.

Reports available in your payperview panel.

Summerizing it all

  • The embed mode is very simple to be setup. You setup your paypal email, define credits prices .
  • You add performers and setup the percentage an user will receive per purchased credit.
  • You create 2 pages : 1 for performer enter and one for user listing.
  • Public chat is free and private chat is paid. User can also send tips, credits to performer.
  • When user purchases credits, you will get the amount on your paypal account.
  • You also get some reports so you know how much you will pay to performer.
  • All this is simple and do not need any developer knowledge. If you have trouble, we are here to help you.


You can of course change the CSS of the chat and the listing page by injecting your own CSS.

Live typing chat feature

What is live typing ?

Live typing allows you to read users messages before they send them to the chat. You can “spy” about what they do live type in.

Who should use it ?

Live typing should be used by admins and moderators so they can react before the message has been sent to users. They would be able to block (kick or ban) instltant messages before they have been posted to all membres.

How to enable live typing ?

Live typing can be activated in roles. Notice that user and guest roles cannot have that feature enabled. It should be used with parsimony and we are plenty conscious that this feature can privacy have drawbacks.

Once enabled, when an user is typing something, the live typing appears into a speech bubble next to his username in the user list on the right.

What kind of site should use that predictive feature?

Probably some fortune telling websites. However more generic chat can also use that feature to better chat moderation.

html5 chat ready for payperview solution

This is now possible to build a payperview solution using html5 chat

ex: expert chat, erotic chat where users do pay per minute spent

For that we created role called “performer“, added new API REST like and added type of chat called “conference






These API will allow to create easily a payperview solution like:


  • you get list of connected online performers
  • you choose a performer to chat with
  • you are in a public chat with performer.
  • You ask for a private chat with performer, if performer accepts, credits are going down

We will provide soon a complete configuration for a full payperview solution.

New help support system

New html5 chat help system

For better support and help request, we have add a new button “Support” available in your chatadmin panel

supportThis button will open a new support area.

That way, we will get a better thread view of your problems with a whole history and we will stop asking you for your webmasterid account

Hope that will be useful for you.

This help system is still in BETA version.





html5 chat and phpsocial integration

PHP social is a cool social “facebook” like script.  It is not free but has a moderated price of 49$.

We suppose we want to get a chat page in full screen, auto loggedon and called “chat”.

(You need to be registered and loggedon on to test it)


How can we integrate HTML5-chat into php social ?

Step1 : edit .htaccess and add this line

RewriteRule ^chat/?$        index.php?a=chat          [NC]

Step2 : edit config.php and add

'chat'        => 'chat',

Step3: download this script: chat , unzip it and edit it and change the 2 lines: webmasterid and password

$webmasterid = xxx;
$password = 'xxxx';

Step4: FTP upload chat.php to /sources folder

Step5: Test that your chat works fine on


Here is the source of chat.php 

function PageMain() {
* Change these 2 parameters and put your webmasterid and your chat password here
$webmasterid = 'xxxxx'; // your webmasterid number
$password = 'yyyyy'; // your chat password

global $TMPL, $LNG, $CONF, $db, $user, $settings, $plugins;
if(!isset($user) || !isset($user['idu']) ) {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");

$json = json_encode(array('id'=>$user['idu'], 'username'=>$user['username'], 'image'=>$CONF['url'].permalink('/thumb.php?t=a&w=112&h=112&src='.$user['image']),
'gender'=>($user['gender'] == 1) ? 'male' : 'female', 'role'=>'user', 'profile'=>$CONF['url']. '/profile/'.$user['username'], 'password'=>$password));
$encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json));
<script src="<?=$webmasterid?>/<?=$encoded?>"></script>
$script = ob_get_clean();
echo $script;

Html5 chat: better mobile support

For a long time, HTML5 “mobile compatible” was just a marketing directive because we did not focus enough on the mobile version and we just made mobile and responsive tests without really focusing on real user experience. That was a mistake.

It was of course compatible with mobile, but interface was not really user friendly. We believe now that mobile is future of Internet and we decided to improve the user experience with mobile devices:

  • better layout
  • keyboard auto hides after sending message
  • H264 for ios and android so both iphones and Androids are able to send streams and watch streams
  • speed optimisation
  • Many CSS fixing for readability (change size, paddings, margins)
  • Synch uploading of photos to avoid bugs on Iphone while uploading

And much more…



New material design themes

Blue and red material design themes

themesHtml5 has now 2 new themes based on material design

Blue and red (that complete the dark and the default light theme)

You can switch between themes in chatadmin panel.

More themes are coming. If you need to customize CSS, you can inject your own CSS and over write the existing theme in

“Link to external CSS to customize your chat ” in your /chatadmin config.