
REST API for HTML5 chat (updated)

New HTML5 features REST API available (updated Nov 2020)

These features are only for SUBSCRIBED ussers.

-> Log in into your chatadmin / developers panel to get your REST API URL.

We are adding new REST interfaces that allow users to get some informations about their chat.

The pattern is:


For now we added these REST APIs:

getNumberUsers: allows to get the number of users in all rooms in chat!

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 token = 999


getUsers : get all users in all rooms in chat

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 token = 999


getPerformers : get all performers in a namespace webmasterid (performers = users whose role = ‘performer’)

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 token = 999


getOnlinePerformers : get all online performers in a namespace webmasterid (performers = users whose role = ‘performer’)

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 token = 999

https://YOUR_REST_API_LINK:2083/getOnlinePerformers /1/999

getUserStatus: get the status of userid in a namespace webmasterid  (returns: “online” or “offline”  or “busy”)

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 userid= 300


getUsersInRoom: get all users in a room roomid of namespace webmasterid

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 roomid = 50


getNumberUsersInRoom: return the number of users of a room roomid in namespace webmasterid

This example is for : webmasterid = 1 roomid = 50, token=999


How to use that in php for instance: (we suppose your YOUR_REST_API_LINK is which can be DIFFERENT on your website: connect to chatadmin -> developers  to get yours)

$numberOfUsers = file_get_contents("");

getRooms: return your chat rooms.

This example is for : webmasterid = 1, token=999


How to use that in php for instance: (we suppose your YOUR_REST_API_LINK is which can be DIFFERENT on your website: connect to chatadmin -> developers  to get yours)

$rooms = json_decode(file_get_contents(""));

6 thoughts to “REST API for HTML5 chat (updated)”

  1. You made a type error…
    It should be:
    $numberOfUsers = file_get_contents(“”);

    ( contents and not contens )


  2. Hi
    Could anyone explain for me how to get only the “name” extracted from , getUsers request ?, would be great with examples for the different “Requests” , in PHP and/or Javascript

    Regards Jorgen

  3. Kann Mann das html5-chat im Chat als url erstellen mit einen anderen url Chatnameboder ist das mein feste url Seite für alle Benutzer für den Chat.

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