HTML5 chat and JOOMLA: new html5chat joomla plugin

! WARNING ! A new update of Joomla plugin can be found here !

You can now easily integrate html5 chat into your joomla

The joomla plugin can be downloaded from this link

Here is how to make it run in 2 minutes:

HTML5 allows you to easily add a webcam video chat into your JOOMLA page.

###How to use it:
1) register free on

2) install the plugin and setup the password and webmasterid parameters you got when registered.

3) add a new article and insert a shortcode like

          [html5chat width="100%" height="800px"]

You will get your chat with 100%, 800px dimensions with authenticated user (username, role)


5 thoughts to “HTML5 chat and JOOMLA: new html5chat joomla plugin”

  1. the plugin doesn’t seem to be complete. I only get partial information (text evidently missing) in the plugin instructions and when I insert the code as indicated into an article and publish it, then attempt to access the chat using the link, I get an error: You must insert your html5chat using syntax such as: (and nothing shows up at all) I’m using PHP version 7.1 and Joomla 3.

    1. After looking at the source code, I found out that you should add the word “html5chat” to the article’s content.
      This content works for me:

      [HTML5 width=”100%” height=”800px”]

  2. It does not display correctly the height, i mean it displays only the upper part of chat , about 200 -300 pixels, width is OK, 100%. PHP 7.3.23 , Joomla 3.9.22

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