You can now control the web radio :
- play a webradio on ALL users
- Stop a webradio on ALL users
- change the webradio url in real time
To add this feature, you need to go to chatadmin/roles and check the new property:
“Can administrate web radio“
You can now control the web radio :
To add this feature, you need to go to chatadmin/roles and check the new property:
“Can administrate web radio“
can you edit the open support tickets,please?
we’ve been waiting for weeks and pay.
the forbidden words filter doesn’t work in our chat.
Support ticket number please : forbidden words use REGEX. make sure your regex are valid
Can you please add the function to disable the car start? So that everyone can press play when he wants to listen
Das mit dem Autostart habe ich auch schon gefragt , Da kam nur müssen sie selber injizieren und wenn sie es net können nen freiberufler fragen , finde das schon ziemlich dreist für was zahlt man dafür .,
Quindi nella versione free la web radio non va? perche io non riesco ad attivarla