ban user

New Ban features

We added 2 new ban features

  1. In roles, we added notAffectedByRudeWords which means that a role (moderator or admin for instance) can use rude words without being censured (or kicked out/banned).
    You can define different actions per rude word like : nothing / hide the rude word / kick out the user / ban the user

  2. When user has been kicked out or banned because of a rude word, we store now this bad word.
    You can get the history and the bad word used in your chatadmin / banned section under field called “sentence”


Better Banning

We enhanced the banning system: when using user registration, we ban per IP as before. But we also added banning per username, so banned user cannot reconnect with the same username once banned.

He needs to create a new user and change his username to be able to be back.

Webrtc IP leaking

There is a leak in webrtc that allows (under circumstances) to get the real IP of an user, even if he’s behind a VPN

We used that technique for banning to get the real IP from an user even if he’s using a VPN. This technique may stop working soon since major browsers may correct the IP leaking from webrtc very soon.