
Avatar libraries

You can now choose between 5 libraries for guest users avatars: when a guest user connects, he’s automatically assigned an avatar. However, it is not possible to choose between 6 different avatar libraries

Default avatar

This is an SVG based library. This library differentiates males and females

Default library

Pixel avatar

This is an SVG based library. This library differentiates males and females

pixel library


SVG cool library: no males/females

Avataars library

Griddly avatar

SVG strange library: no males/females

Griddly lib

Botts library

SVG robot like images based library

Botts library

Initials library

SVG library that takes your initial username (google doc like)

Initials lib

You can choose which one of these libraries you want to use inside
/chatadmin/config/ under users management tab


Avatar upload

It is now possible to upload avatar for guest roles.

This is a new feature: guests are not authenticated users: it was impossible to associate an avatar to a no permanent user whose id changes all the time.

Thanks to fingerprinting, we generate now an unique permanent id for guest and avatars are correctly associated to that id.

You can test that new feature on your own chat

How to auto login with an avatar ?

How to autologin into HTML5-chat with an user avatar ?

ex: we want to login as John, whose sex is male an whose avatar is external url: https://html5-chat.com/img/malecostume.svg

(let assume our script id is 1544 and token is 5a0440c6c992c)

<script src=’https://html5-chat.com/script/1544/5a0440c6c992c/John/couple/aHR0cHM6Ly9odG1sNS1jaGF0LmNvbS9pbWcvbWFsZWNvc3R1bWUuc3Zn‘></script>
This aHR0cHM6Ly9odG1sNS1jaGF0LmNvbS9pbWcvbWFsZWNvc3R1bWUuc3Zn represents the base64 url to our avatar:
in php we can use: base64_encode
<php $avatar = base64_encode(‘https://html5-chat.com/img/malecostume.svg’); ?>