Social engine is a php commercial dating script.
Download html5-chat plugin from this link
Edit application\modules\Html5Chat\controllers\indexController.php
And insert that script
<?php class Html5Chat_IndexController extends Core_Controller_Action_Standard { public function indexAction() { $webmasterid = 'xxxxxx'; // change that $password = 'yyyyyy'; // change that $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer(); $userid = $viewer->getIdentity(); $username = $viewer->getTitle(); $fields = Engine_Api::_()->fields()->getFieldsValuesByAlias($viewer); $user = Engine_Api::_()->getItem('user', $userid); $avatar = $user->getPhotoUrl('thumb.profile'); $profileLink = $viewer->getHref(); $gender = 'male'; $role = $user_level = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer()->level_id; $roleLabel = Engine_Api::_()->getItem('authorization_level', $role)->getTitle(); switch($fields['gender']) { case 1: $gender = 'male'; break; case 2: $gender = 'female'; break; case 3: $gender = 'couple'; break; } switch($roleLabel) { case 'Superadmins': $role = 'admin'; break; case 'Admins': $role = 'admin'; break; case 'Moderators': $role = 'moderator'; break; case 'Default Level': $role = 'guest'; break; case 'Public': $role = 'guest'; break; case 'Monthly Member': $role = 'user'; break; case '6 Month Member': $role = 'user'; break; case 'Yearly Member': $role = 'user'; break; case '15 Day Free Membership Trial': $role = 'guest'; break; default: $role = 'user'; break; } $json = json_encode(array( 'id'=>$userid, 'username'=>$username, 'password'=>$password, 'gender'=>$gender, 'role'=>$role, 'image'=>'//'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$avatar, 'profile'=>'//'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$profileLink ) ); $encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json)); $this->view->script = "$webmasterid/$encoded"; $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); } }
Upload the files to your site with FTP Both folders: (modules and packages)
Go to your social Engine admin panel and go to menu
manage->Packages & plugins and enable html5-chat plugin
Your chat is not available at url :
We will add the link chat into /groups/chat so your chat link will be
edit /application/modules/Group/controllers/IndexController.php
And add this function
public function chatAction() { $webmasterid = xxxx; $password = 'yyyy'; $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer(); $userid = $viewer->getIdentity(); $fields = Engine_Api::_()->fields()->getFieldsValuesByAlias($viewer); $user = Engine_Api::_()->getItem('user', $userid); $avatar = $user->getPhotoUrl('thumb.profile'); $profileLink = $viewer->getHref(); $gender = 'male'; $role = $user_level = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer()->level_id; $roleLabel = Engine_Api::_()->getItem('authorization_level', $role)->getTitle(); switch($fields['gender']) { case 1: $gender = 'male'; break; case 2: $gender = 'female'; break; case 3: $gender = 'couple'; break; } switch($roleLabel) { case 'Superadmins': $role = 'admin'; break; case 'Admins': $role = 'admin'; break; case 'Moderators': $role = 'moderator'; break; case 'Default Level': $role = 'guest'; break; case 'Public': $role = 'guest'; break; case 'Monthly Member': $role = 'user'; break; case '6 Month Member': $role = 'user'; break; case 'Yearly Member': $role = 'user'; break; case '15 Day Free Membership Trial': $role = 'guest'; break; default: $role = 'user'; break; } $json = json_encode(array( 'id'=>$userid, 'username'=>$fields['first_name'], 'password'=>$password, 'gender'=>$gender, 'role'=>$role, 'image'=>'//'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$avatar, 'profile'=>'//'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$profileLink ) ); $encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json)); $this->view->script = "$webmasterid/$encoded"; $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); }
replace xxxx by your webmasterid and yyyy with your html5-chat password
You can get values profil type from table engine4_authorization_levels
create chat.tpl in application/modules/Group/views/scripts/index/
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<script src="<?=$this->script?>"></script>
and you will get your own chat on /groups/chat
Unfortunately you are depending on a user having the groups module. For many of us, this isn’t something we do Especially when you have 3rd party group modules. Is this something you can make standalone or more user friendly?
Also, can this be made to just open chat in a new window?
Is there somewhere a decent doc about this CMS ?
I could not find anything
First I just want to say I LOVE HTML5 CHAT! It was an upgrade from AVCHAT that I was using.
I was wondering how to chow username in chat to get info from 2 fields.
this is what there is now in the integration script.
i have tried that but it doesn’t work.
‘username’=>$fields[‘first_name’] [‘last_name’],
thanks again for the help and awesome chat!
I was wondering about putting a who’s chatting widget on the main Social Engine Page.
Is there anyway to do that?
This is something I would pay for.
Thank you,
Matt Wales
For some reason the Gender doesn’t work. Everything defaults to Male.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
Please and Thank You.