
html5 and datingsite integration

How to integrate html5-chat and datingscript ?


Here is a snippet to help you to integrate html5 chat and dating script.


Just edit $password and $webmasterid variables


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;

if (!isset($_SESSION['session']['username'])) {
    header('Location:' . $config['base_url'] . 'users/login');
$password = 'YOUPASSWORD HERE';
$webmasterid = 'YOUR SCRIPT ID HERE';
$gender = isset($_SESSION['session']['data_genre']) && is_array($_SESSION['session']['data_genre']) && $_SESSION['session']['data_genre'] ? (key($_SESSION['session']['data_genre']) == 1 ? 'Homme' : 'Femme') : '';
$avatar = isset($_SESSION['session']['picture_file_path'], $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_name'], $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_ext']) && $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_path'] ? $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_path'] . '/' . $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_name'] . '.' . $_SESSION['session']['picture_file_ext'] : '';
if(!$avatar) {
    $avatar = '0.svg';

$mysuer = array('webmasterid' => $webmasterid, 'password' => $password, 'username' => $_SESSION['session']['username'], 'gender' => $gender, 'role' => 'user', 'image' => $config['base_url'] . 'uploads/' . $avatar);
$encoded = JWT::encode($mysuer, $password);
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<title>Html5 chat</title>
	 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div class="main">
    <div style="width:100%; height:100%;">
        <script src="<?= $webmasterid ?>/<?= $encoded ?>"></script>

How to integrate html5 chat into phpfox

How to integrate html5 chat into phpfox ?

step 1: download the phpfox module here

step 2 : open file


and edit these lines 16-17

$webmasterid = xxxx; // ENTER your script id (webmasterid) here
$password = 'my secret password'; // ENTER your HTML5 password here

and fill with your own data

step3: open your website

You will be loggedon with your username, gender, avatar and role


html5 + vldpersonals: how to add html5 chat into vldpersonals

Integration of html5-chat into vldpersonals


edit the .htaccess file and that line:

RewriteRule ^chatHtml5/?$ chatHtml5.php [L]

which means: your chat will be available on

Create a blank chatHtml5.php file on root of your website / and paste the script

ini_set('display_errors', 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);

if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
mysql_connect($conf['db_hostname'], $conf['db_username'], $conf['db_password']) or die();
mysql_select_db($conf['db_name']) or die("ERROR: Cannot SELECT the Database.");

function getAvatar($username) {
    $get_pic = mysql_query("SELECT picture,joindate,member_id FROM vld_members WHERE username = '$username' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
    while($got_pic = mysql_fetch_array($get_pic)) {
        $members_image = $got_pic['picture'];
        $member_joindate = $got_pic['joindate']; // this will be the members joindate from the members table
        $member_id = $got_pic['member_id']; // this is the ID of the member you want to show the avatar
    if ($members_image == '') {
        $avatar = "/media/user_picture_none.gif"; // set here the path to the image that shows if user has no avatar uploaded
        $media = substr($member_joindate, -1, 1).'/'.
            substr($member_joindate, -2, 1).'/'.
            substr($member_joindate, -3, 1).'/'.
            substr($member_joindate, -4, 1).'/'.
        $path = '/media/uploads/'.$media.'photo_'.$members_image;
        $avatar = $path;
    return $avatar;

$password = 'seccret Password';
$webmasterid = 'xxxxxxxx';

$json = json_encode(array(
        'webmasterid'=>$webmasterid ,
$encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json));

<!doctype html>
<html lang="fr">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Chat HTML5</title>
<script src="<?=$webmasterid?>/<?=$encoded?>"></script>






OLD version of VLD

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
mysql_connect($conf['db_hostname'], $conf['db_username'], $conf['db_password']) or die();
mysql_select_db($conf['db_name']) or die("ERROR: Cannot SELECT the Database.");

function getAvatar($username) {
    $get_pic = mysql_query("SELECT picture,joindate,member_id FROM vld_members WHERE username = '$username' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
    while($got_pic = mysql_fetch_array($get_pic)) {
        $members_image = $got_pic['picture'];
        $member_joindate = $got_pic['joindate']; // this will be the members joindate from the members table
        $member_id = $got_pic['member_id']; // this is the ID of the member you want to show the avatar
    if ($members_image == '') {
        $avatar = "/media/user_picture_none.gif"; // set here the path to the image that shows if user has no avatar uploaded
        $media = substr($member_joindate, -1, 1).'/'.
            substr($member_joindate, -2, 1).'/'.
            substr($member_joindate, -3, 1).'/'.
            substr($member_joindate, -4, 1).'/'.
        $path = '/media/uploads/'.$media.'photo_'.$members_image;
        $avatar = $path;
    return $avatar;
$password = 'yourHTML5-chatPassword';
$webmasterid = 'yourHTML5WebmasterId',
$mysuer = array('webmasterid'=>$webmasterid , 'password'=>$password, 'username'=>$_SESSION['username'], 'gender'=>$_SESSION['profile_fields']['profile_gender1'], 'role'=>'user', 'image'=>$conf['virtual_path'].getAvatar($_SESSION['username']));
$encoded = JWT::encode($mysuer, $password);
<!doctype html>
<html lang="fr">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Chat HTML5</title>
<script src="<?=$webmasterid?>/<?=$encoded?>"></script>

You need of course to integrate the JWT libraries for that.

For PHP, we use for instance: (if you use another langage, pick your library from




html5 + boonex: how to integrate webcam chat with boonex ?

Here is a sample code on how to add html5-chat into boonex in full screen


require_once( 'inc/' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );

function getUser() {
    $iUserId = getLoggedId();
    if (!$iUserId) {
    $data = getProfileInfo($iUserId);
    $sThumbSetting = getParam('sys_member_info_thumb_icon');
    $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance($sThumbSetting);
    $sThumbUrl = $o ? $o->get($data) : '';
    $bThumb = !empty($sThumbUrl);

    $role = ($data['Role'] == 3) ? 'Administrator' : 'Member';
    $gender = ($data['Sex'] == '') ? '--' : $data['Sex'];
    if(empty($sThumbUrl)) {
        $avatar = "Avatar is not available";
    } else {
        $avatar = $sThumbUrl;
    if ($data['NickName']=='admin') {
        $data['NickName'] = 'admin ';
    return array('id'=>$iUserId, 'username'=>$data['NickName'], 'gender'=>$gender, 'avatar'=>$avatar, 'role'=>$role);
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Webcam chat</title>
        html,boby {
            width: 100%;
        #html5ChatContainer {
            width: 100%;
            position: fixed;
$user = getUser();
<script src='<?=sprintf('', $user['username'], $user['gender'], base64_encode($user['avatar']));?>'></script>