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html5 chat and phpsocial integration


PHP social is a cool social “facebook” like script.  It is not free but has a moderated price of 49$.

We suppose we want to get a chat page in full screen, auto loggedon and called “chat”.

(You need to be registered and loggedon on to test it)


How can we integrate HTML5-chat into php social ?

Step1 : edit .htaccess and add this line

RewriteRule ^chat/?$        index.php?a=chat          [NC]

Step2 : edit config.php and add

'chat'        => 'chat',

Step3: download this script: chat , unzip it and edit it and change the 2 lines: webmasterid and password

$webmasterid = xxx;
$password = 'xxxx';

Step4: FTP upload chat.php to /sources folder

Step5: Test that your chat works fine on


Here is the source of chat.php 

function PageMain() {
* Change these 2 parameters and put your webmasterid and your chat password here
$webmasterid = 'xxxxx'; // your webmasterid number
$password = 'yyyyy'; // your chat password

global $TMPL, $LNG, $CONF, $db, $user, $settings, $plugins;
if(!isset($user) || !isset($user['idu']) ) {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");

$json = json_encode(array('id'=>$user['idu'], 'username'=>$user['username'], 'image'=>$CONF['url'].permalink('/thumb.php?t=a&w=112&h=112&src='.$user['image']),
'gender'=>($user['gender'] == 1) ? 'male' : 'female', 'role'=>'user', 'profile'=>$CONF['url']. '/profile/'.$user['username'], 'password'=>$password));
$encoded = file_get_contents("".base64_encode($json));
<script src="<?=$webmasterid?>/<?=$encoded?>"></script>
$script = ob_get_clean();
echo $script;
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